Hunger for Wholeness

The Human Mystery, AI, and Art with Patrick Beldio (Part 2)

Center for Christogenesis Season 2 Episode 21

Ilia Delio and The Human Mystery, AI, and Art with Patrick Beldio (Part 2)

In part 2 of her conversation with Patrick Beldio, Ilia asks “what, or who, is God?” and more about the mystery of being human. Patrick shares more about his teacher Meher Baba and how art, creativity and technology can all play a role in deepening the human spirit.

*This the last episode of season 2 of Hunger for Wholeness, but we will return with season 3 in September 2023.


“Is it possible for creation to evolve matter without opposition, to progress without the crude means of alternating darkness and light?”

Patrick Beldio earned a Ph.D. in religion and culture from Catholic University and an M.F.A. in sculpture from George Washington University. Some of his areas of academic research and teaching are interreligious studies, comparative theology, Hindu-Christian relations, Interfaith dialogue, religion and visual culture, religion and gender, with a focus on Franciscan spirituality, the Integral Yoga of the Sri Aurobindo Ashram, and Meher Baba and the Chishti lineage in the West. He is also a professional artist with a studio at the Franciscan Monastery in Washington, DC. His sculptures are in private and public collections across the USA including a monumental sculpture in the Sanctuary of Sufism Reoriented, Walnut Creek, CA. He has volunteered with many service projects including “Francis in the Schools,” which provides material, psychological, and spiritual support to children on the margins.

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