Hunger for Wholeness

What (Black) Bonhoeffer Might Say Today with Dr. Reggie Williams (Part 1)

Center for Christogenesis Season 5 Episode 5

What (Black) Bonhoeffer Might Say Today with Dr. Reggie Williams (Part 1)

Ilia Delio welcomes Dr. Reggie Williams, the newly appointed Associate Professor of Black Theology at St Louis University, to unpack the life, work of Dietrich Bonhoeffer. Bonhoeffer’s legacy continues to touch today’s major issues—racism, religious nationalism, political action, and human suffering. Ilia and Reggie discuss these topics, “religionless christianity,” suffering and more.


“Bonhoeffer’s experience in Harlem demonstrates that a Christian interpretation of the way of Jesus must be connected to justice for a Christian to see beyond primary loyalties to self and kind, to recognize the needs for justice in another’s context, and to ‘love neighbor as self.’”

Reggie Williams, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor of Black Theology at St Louis University. His research interests are Black Theology, Black Studies, Harlem Renaissance, Dietrich Bonhoeffer Studies, and Christian Ethics. He is the author of Bonhoeffer’s Black Jesus: Harlem Renaissance Theology and an Ethic of Resistance from Baylor University Press, and is currently working on three manuscripts, an ethics project with Yale University Press, a trade book about Christian response to fascism, with Broadleaf books, and a commentary on Joshua and Job with Westminster John Knox. He and his wife Stacy will celebrate their 29th wedding anniversary this month on the 26th, and are the parents of two young adults, Darion and Simone.

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